Once again.i'm too lazy to write anything right now, but because I don want to dissapoint the fan out there,it feels like I'm obligated to do so.
1st day raya(ikut mazhab wes end):Watched Juve vs Bayern(Viera's pass for the 2nd goal was magnifique) while seeing Adnan went for the 'semayang raya'.Why I didn't celebrate that day?because it doesn't feel good celebrating raya while there others still fasting.Plus I was shoved with this hadis by Denise(aku x salahkan ko laa!),Quote:
"lebey kurang cam...klu tak nampak anak bulan ..sbb terlindung ke mendung ke ape.. better puase 30 hari. "
Well everybody got their own opinion so whatever.I felt a little bit of regret when Amar told me how delicious Abg Khalid rendang and dodol was.damn.Other than that,it's fair and lovely.The nite went on and this time aku btol2 raya at west end.The theme was '
black n white'.As usual,makan2,gelak2,tangkap gambar,makan lagi,gelak lagi and it all ended close to midnite.
With no.1 fan of Perisai Komuniti
Pria2 Brisbane in the mood for Raya
Wan juling, Man dan Ajiz kecewa x dpt maen bunga api 1st day raya(ikut mazhab st. lucia)Woke up early and dressed up for solat raya and today the theme is '
blue'.Went with Najwa to Guyatt park and there was actually a lot of people there and Msian people I think, is smaller in number compared to the Bruneians and the Indonesian.I wonder why???The prayer went on smoothly but when it's khutbah time, the rain started pouring and everybody was covering their heads.Thank god there's Anuar(Brunei) who sat beside me who brought with him an umbrella so I was saved!but poor hanif who was the khatib, he was standing there reading the khutbah while his paper got wet and he had trouble straightening it up for reading.Idris came to shelter him from the rain but it was too late.Quote from hanip ganu:
"aku tak kesah aku basah, tapi kertas tu basah, habis lembik,aku nak baca pon susah)
In the end, the khutbah was shortened by about 3 pages and everybody was hurrying taking shelter from the rain.The rain was quite heavy but it didn't budge me from getting the food that was prepared. Aziz was eager to get the food that he even slipped because of the slippery ground but luckily he didn't fell(damn!dah la berlagak kewl lepas tu.hahaha).Ate nasi ayam(i think),nasi soto and ayam goreng madu(the best!).Then as usual,sesi bergambar.
Next stop was Abg Suffian's house. This is where the highlight of the day happened.Wan Cina mistakenly left the key inside the car.Kelakar gile!.He was saved though because of spare key.Abg suffian served us with some delicious satay but I was so full that I can only manage two sticks.Then went back to the house,sleep until it was close to 4.30 pm.Wake up and was feeling hungry and rezeki datang bergolek,Abg Mohsin was kind enough to invite us beraya.Menu utama:lemang kot (sbb aku rasa sedap gile) but Zahrah was so obsessed with Kueh Tart.Then maen bunga api then balik,have to study for the exam tomorrow!
Biru itu Indah!
Haiii...kenapala aku pilih Wan.... 3rd day( 2nd day aku)Didn't have enough sleep and went for the exam.Nan,fuad,najwa,fazz finished the exam early leaving me behind(haiii...senang sgt ke paper tu ataupon aku yg lembab!).Remembered earlier that Shamas buat open house so went there with Najwa.Menu utama:tinggal bihun soto je utk aku.Nasi kosong sbb korang dah bedal ayam sampai habis!!!)Tema arini:
Aku dah ngantok n tak larat tulis lagi.Amar ko sambung la cite raya ko ok!
Arsenal menang 3-1 via Henry's brilliance!
Quote of the day:ladies comes first -
Mapen"aku tak kenyang@lapar ah -
Amar"3 skip@page??" -
Mapen lagi
'No matter how hard I tried,It was a world I could never see,the dreams and wishes I couldn't achieve'