The wheather started up pretty well but as soon as I saw MLNG the rain was pouring out heavily. Thank god I brought my umbrella with me but the frame was so weak against the strong wind. You know the one that you can extend the stick.Pretty useless against that kind of weather. But the rain was about to bring me another disaster.
Attended few meetings while going through the day with a wet socks. It is so dem annoying and itchy I wished the day just went on as quickly as possible.
Toot. Time's up and I was hurrying back to my car and pushing on my remote key but there was no sound. I thought the battery for the remote key is flat so I tried couple of times more but the car's still locked. Dem. I tried opening up the car manually.Suppose the alarm went off but it didn't and this time I know there's something wrong. Turning the key and there was no sign of life of my car. Dem Dem Dem. The battery's flat. I noticed that my light is turned on (idiot!!!). Apparently because of the heavy rain, I couldn't hear the warning sound if you leave your lights on.Selamat ade Dhowi n Boniran a.k.a Mr Reliable.Dhowi cam buat lawak2 jela kat tepi keta aku.hahaha.
Paling teluk = Paling teruk (MACKA) Tak ingat = seingat (MACKA) ini GAPO2008 laaaa
'the path of lease resistance, it can lead to a minefield'