PeriSai KoMuniTi ®™

Pada suatu malam yang hening, sambil menikmati sebotol ginger beer,maka dengan gegak gempita gelak kami terciptalah blog keramat PERISAI KOMUNITI!

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Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Nightmarishly Bernie!

Today was one of the day when you're expecting something good to happen but 'benda sial' came flying and landed on my face.Start with the 'most welcomed' warning that FArid gave me about Bernadette@Bernie telling him about an unknown car parked inside the building(aku la yg park tuh).Gile sial!!!How did the hell did she know about that???It was like the first time I've parked a car inside the building.Before this I think she warned us about car parked at the visitor's carpark too long.

My Ducati in Action of 'Dengki'

That's why I decided to park the car inside.Dalam tak boleh,luar tak boleh,abih aku nak Parking kat mana???On her damn lawn!Dah la mmg tempat parking for unit 21 asyik ade kereta je.Aku tau CRV die mesti ade nye.In a futile attempt,I went down to the basement carpark to take a shot at the culprit(CRV die la!).But frustratingly,it was not there!(dan dan la die parking kereta tuh kat luar,mcm tau2 je aku nak amik gambar kereta die).Tak puas hati gak,I took my 'Ducati' and parked right in the middle of my rightfully owned car park(biar die rasa).Bukan itu sahaja,today was also the day when she gave out a list of 'Rules and Regulation' for the building and guess what?She mentioned about the car park among other things.I feel really honoured because she went to all the trouble typing and printing out the documents and also she went chasing up and down the building handing out the 'flyers' herself,to other units(i think there's around 30 units in this Square) just for me!Other rules include tidying up the balcony,which is also directly pointing back to my unit(alaaa semak skit je,aku rasa takde la terok sgt!).Bukannnye ade org nak tengok dalam balkoni aku pon.The house is already small enough to fit most our stuff that's why we resorted to put some of the stuff on the balcony.Sape sgt la nak tgk balkoni aku yg semak tuh.Rumah aku dah la tgkt atas sekali.The only way they can pinpoint the mess if they are flying inside a Helicopter!(I know Bernie would do that).I think she was given by God a sixth sense to detect any fault that we made(NATURAL BORN CAMBRIDGE SQUARE MANAGER).Arghhhhhhhhhhh aku stress sial dok sini!Kalah aku dok asrama.Aku rasa warden kat asrama pon x terok camni.Bodo punye Pn Normah carikan tempat nih.I want to be FREE.Jiyuu ni hoshi na!!!From now on I want to be a FREEDOM FIGHTER(FF).Let's all join forces together to fight the FOrces of Evil! -MAPEN®-

Freedom Fighter MAPEN®
posted by gingerbeer @ 11:24:00 PM  
  • At 1:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Sian dia doo.. dia dah tua. Kau kasilah dia peluang. Why can't we give love one more chance, Mapen?

  • At 1:39 AM, Blogger gingerbeer said…

    takde2...mmg tak bagi can punye!

  • At 10:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


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Lokasi: brisbane, queensland, Australia
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