for some reason aku dah terkena penyakit blog cam ansa...tak dpt login...what the??? anyway,now i'm writing in a notepad for the time being sementara tgh ada mood nak tulis ape kan.nanti kang dah takde mood kang mmg tak tulis punye.never let the spirit die!!!woot2...
last week was one of the week where you want to hate somebody particularly my boss.kalo ikut plan,i must have been relaxing at home with my family tapi disebabkan kedengkian dan professionalism and ethics dari boss aku,i ended up stuck here in Bintulu.The story is I applied for training (for the free tickets!)and my boss completely rejected it.
dialog2 yg tak dpt ku lupa:
'You want to go to this training because you want to go back rite??' 'If that's why you want to go, then you're going for the wrong reason'
and the most unforgettable ones,
'this is just my THEORY(or was 'it i'm just guessing here'),i hope i'm WRONG,'
ok.aku mmg tersentak dan tetibe rasa panas.ayat yg last sekali tuh x payah la kan.buat aku lagi sakit hati je.mmg rasa kena tikam ngan tombak yg besar tembus kat jantung.maybe he's rite and he's got the reason right like,'the training is a soft skill not a technical ones' and 'i don't want to waste company's money' and 'you can wait until you're back in KL rite?'.Tapi ape ke dengki nye tak nak bagi.bukannye byk sgt pon.actually there's a lot more people who still got their training approved during the holiday(minggu lepas cuti gawai n agong's birthday n if you take like 2 annual leaves you'll get the whole weeks off!) and i wouldn't be begging for the tickets if the company pays me more!
sessi emo tamat.
At least because of this i took the chance to take a trip to Miri to meet my long lost fren yg tak tau ape dah FARIQ. He's still the same as I remembered him the last time I met him and we did had a great time rite??haha. thanks a lot for letting me and my frens crashing over your already cramped place.thank you also for the generousity letting me use all your stuff tanpa mengenal erti malu.hahaha.n thanks for the shirt!love it man!ko mmg penuntut David D yg cemerlang.mmg bole dpt honours ahhh.ko punye demonstrasi secara live tuh mmg btol2 buat gua respek sama lu (bole la muka jambu!chet...).Tapi aku mmg kecewa lu tak bwk awek nak kenal sama gua ngan gua punye member.sian aku ngan derang balik ngan kegersangan.hahaha.
Miri mmg best ahh.definitely ten times better than bintulu.maen boling,tgk wayang (cite indiana jones baru tuh sux gile,UFO????bapak sengal gile,membazir 10 ragok aku je),makan McD,maen wining eleven ngan Fariq(ko still takleh beat aku ah fariq,member2 ko pon semua aku libas..haha),dpt tego Shazliana(sape tu???).pendek kata terubat gak ahh hati aku tak dpt balik KL.In Miri even you're like lazing around, you know that there's always an option to do something which definitely not the feeling when you're i bintulu because if you're stump at home,you really don't have anything better to do.
Euro gonna start nex week where it will be one hell of an unproductive weeks ahead for all football team??mesti ah Spain sebab ade jambu aku kat ctu.haha
sebetul@ betul2 sebelah - Mazni Apam
'What's there now that wasn't there before,what was there before that isn't there now and what's been moved...'
p/s - I'm still pissed with this stupid word verification which is still so damn impossible to read -MAPEN- |