An interesting conversation: aku: Cak On, nape ko buang puntung rokok ko kat bucu tangga tu?? Cak On: Oh, kalo aku buang kat bucu tu, takde la nampak semak sangat. Kan lagi bagus tu, dr buang bersepah kat lantai.... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lawak2 di pagi hari.Sungguh ku tak mampu menahan gelak tawaku... Tadi maen Ping Pong ade tournament. Tak sangka aku diperkotak katikkan oleh pakcik2.Hope tomoro i can improve my game... btw, kenape aku tulis ape2 kat cni, semuanye line2 tak dpt dijarakkan...mcam yg korang tgk sekarang ni...aku tak tau nak buat camna aku terpaksa letak line2 yg tak bes ni...can somebody who's really good at blogging explain to me... ----------------------------------------------------------------- "There is nothing like a challenge to bring out the best in man." ----------------------------------------------------------------- -MAPEN-
tu aa aku ingat line mendeee aa...html blog ni kekadang gampang. so time ko type for 'new post'..make sure ko type kat 'compose' instead of 'edit html'..kalo x jugak ko add P type konyer ayat' then /P... P tu brada di dlm < >. Your HTML cannot be accepted: Tag is not allowed <---sengal punye blog