It was a festive atmosphere at the Heath Room on the eve of
3rd September 2005..woooohooo!!! Spirit was high! Party time!! Everything, from the MCs to the Performances, was great! Special thanks to the people involved in organizing the event! Oh ye..!
Aku menari zapin!!!! hahaha, who would have ever thought of that happening? pecaya tak pecaya,
seeing is believing (kalau berani, downloadlah!)..Some Merdeka Nights just wouldn't be complete without
.......Juai messing up with the PA system, causing a brief silent when the cikgus were dancing (credit to the cikgus who continued even wtout music!)!
...Wan being in a different time zone, after having a cup of coffee, he thoughfully wished the audience "A very good
...Sham's unexpected maneuver of the 'sampin lucut' move..luckily the song ended in time before everything else 'lucut'..
erotic zapin..hmmm..
...Mat Pin's infamous rendition of
"Wish you weren't here to witness me messing up the song!!!" hahah..forgot his lyrics, he unsuccessfully attempted to cover up only with some giggles, mumble jumble..poor debutant!
...Bijan winning 3rd place (out of 3 ppl) in the 'cawat competition'..he covered his 'private' well, but failed to realise that there's a gap at the back of the stage, took extra steps backwards aaaand......................................HAHAHHA! (we went wild!)..
pic: organizing committee singing 'keranamu Malaysia'
Oh ye, this is the lyrics to 'Bagaikan Sakti'..Somehow i find the melody of this song very interesting..An example of the mesmerizing genious mind of sifu M. Nasir and the angelic voice of Siti Nurhaliza..
*Bagaikan Sakti *
Lagu : Bagai Sakti (OST Puteri Gunung Ledang) Syncrosound Sdn. Bhd.
Setapak melangkah, dua langkah ingatan kanda pada dinda..
Adinda bersumpah, jikalau kanda tidak kembali, adinda akan menyusul kekanda..
Menginjak pada tanah yang sama, bernafas pada udara yang sama..
Layar berbelok-belok, sauh dibongkar di tempat tenang..
Yang tinggal hati tak elok, yang pergi hati tak senang..
Bila sampai waktu, kita akan bersama...
Cinta datang
Tanpa diundang
Seumur masa tercipta
Dia datang bagai sakti
Bagai menyaksi mekar
Kembang pagi
Cinta datang
Dengan senyuman
Panasnya membakar mentari
Wajah yang tergambar
Tak akan terpudar
Dari hati insan yang fana ini
Fana ini
Tak mungkin mentari
Akan terus sembunyi
Tiada sempadan
Tak bisa kulewati
Jika ini hakikatnya
Aku serahkan jiwa dan ragaku
Menanti muara sengsara
Jika ini ketentuannya
Jika ini hakikatnya
Aku serahkan jiwa dan raga
Jika ini ketentuannya
Kaukan jadi milikku juadownload the song here -
Bagaikan Saktip/s: to download the files, right click at the links and save target as...-AMAR™-
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