Oh how lazy i am to write anything.With assignments piling up and study weeks almost crossing the finish line,I'm sure everybody's busy.But somehow I feel I need to write something in my blog.So i'll just bring in summaries: -'puasa', -'buka', -'sahur', -'terawih' -tupaq's mother's visit,preparing a delightful 'buka puasa' and remembering me of my mom(but his mother is more 'berjiwa muda').The food was splendidly done.Yum2.Thank you.Oh yeah, and everybdoy got the chance to pose as celebrities walking down the 'red carpet' that nite ;) Line of cast for the new movie 'Raya di Brisbane' arahan En. Mapen
-watching ' nightwatch'.If you recall my post,' Romero should just die die die....',I thought that movie was stupid,but I can't imagine there is a movie which is more stupid than this one.It also comes with 2 sequels.CANT WAIT!!! -sessi mari berpantun (i missed my high school's day of 'berbalas pantun').most memorable pantun: pulau pandan jauh ke tengah gunung daik bercabang tiga ili dan wan dah dihebah hebah apa pendapat kamua semua? kecoh siot....hahaha!!! -Arsenal lost to a dumb team West Brom 2-1.Argh!!!!!!!!!!! Oh yeah,I've been listening to this greek song and I just love the melody and the meaning is quite beautiful I might say... os iusti,meditabitur sapientiam et lingua eius,laquetur iudicium, beatus vir qui,suffert tentationem quoniam cum probatus fuerit, accipiet coronam vitaekyrie ignis divine eleison o quam sancta,quam serena,quam benigna,quam amoena, o castitatis liliumThe mouth of the just,shall meditate wisdom, and his tongue shall speak judgement, blessed is the man who endures temptation,for when he has been tried, he shall receive the crown of life,our lord,the divine fire,have mercy,o how sacred,how fair,how kind,how delightful, o lily of chastityI've also picked up this 'intelligent curse' version 2 O pitiful shadows tied in darknesslooking down on people and hurting them a soul drown in sinful karma want to try dying this once?Quote of the day: ko patut beruntung@bersyukur - Mapensesomething@sesuatu - Maiabg Kulid@khalid - Mai lagi'Akaun Tan' - AmarSatu pakat - IliDukat - Anonymous(cis2...mcm mana aku bole lupa!) Gambar sekarang zaman sekarang - Azman Mashormotopoli@monopoli - Luqzan bulan sahur - luqzan lagi
point of perspectives - Hafidz (point of view or perspectives only i reckon?) 'To cry because you have something you want to do,and to Cry because you can't find it,which is more painful?'