After a long pause from writing in the blog,I'm obligated to write something rite?
Happiness of being old cannnot be contained.
First of all I want to wish 'HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY' to my blog mate.Wish u for a long life and happiness all year round which I think you recently did with the constant 'web cam'ing with someone.hahaha.Thanks for sharing all those fun moments together and I hope we can still keep writing this blog togetha altho the to distance ourselves is gettingnear.isk isk
World cup fever is on and there's never an occasion where men come together and enjoy watching the beautiful game and the international language:FOOTBALL.This is the only season I think the whole world's productivity drops suddenly due to staying up late watching the games.Bak kata Ansar, "unbalaced life"
My comment,so far,i think this is the best World Cup i've seen since i was born because almost every team can play excitingly with flare and pace.I can't believe that I even got stuck with under rated games with unpopular teams.On top of the list which i think played so well are:
Argentina - 6-0 against Serbia and Montenegro.Need I say more??25 passes or so before the 2nd goal.Crazyyyyy
Spain - 4-0 against Ukraine.Superb performance by the team with fluid passes and kool finishing by Fernando Torres.Too bad they didn't put Fabregas earlier.
Czech Republic - With Nedved and Rosicky taking on defence,it can never be exciting enough.Too bad they lost to Ghana.I still think they played very well.
Germany - Almost everybody can do a long range shot.You can see the shots coming out of nowhere.With Klose beingsharper than ever,they have the biggest advantage especially in their home ground.Don't forget those spectacular goalsby Lahm and Fringe.
Though I'm still rooting for Spain,I still dun have any confidence in the team winning the cup with the big giants as i mentioned before still around.but hey pick side and at least u've got something to look forward to rite?
With MASCA games getting near,I can't hold my passion for volleyball.Bile nak traning lagi woi!!I think we have a big chance of winning it.You all should see how Ansar leap forward to do some spiking.Although still not perfect,I still think it can do some damage and give the team hope.Volleyball can be interesting too if you play with the right system and tactic.Hope I dun get injured while playing tho.
Dream formation for volleyball.
And to other people who still have exams lurking around.Gud lakkkk!!!
Good morning ME
Did YOu sleep well?
and did YOu wake up well?
Does the light and the wind,
the air and the smell,
all feel brand new?
Is each and every cell in your body awake now?
Today,YOu are who YOu are today
YOu are a newer version of me
Am I alone?
or is there a wonderful person next to ME?
Well,knowing me,I'm sure I'm troubling a lot of people
But that's allright
There's no problem
I will always be cheering YOu on
And now for a big cheer
From the bottom of my heart
Do your best!Do your best!
Don't lose!Don't lose!
I am no longer here
But I'm here today
and I'll always be cheering YOu right here
Cheering for YOu
My only self-