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Thursday, December 18, 2008
Jemay si perantau mencari Budu..
Pagi yg hening dicemari dgn bunyi tapak kaki si pemakai selipar jepun purple. Aku baru je balik futsal tatkala disergah seorang pemuda yg dari gayanye nampak seperti pemuda kelantan yg baru pulang dari memancing ikan. Berikut adalah sesi temu bual bersama jemay dari blog G dan A.

Jemay: Semekom bang!
Amar: w'salam!
Jemay: nama aku Jemay.. aku ni suka bertanye, maka abang akan ditanya oleh aku berkali-kali.. bukan ape bang, aku tgk blog2 skang sume nye makin sunyi.. kalau blog sunyi, sunyilah hidup aku bang..
Amar: kesian ye..ok tanyelah..oh ye, panggil amar cukup la..
Jemay: aku takde soalan sebenarnye, kertas soalan tertinggal masa singgah beli budu kat pasar tadi..
Amar: habis, nak tanye tak?
Jemay: aku tanye pasal topik rokok nak?
Amar: boleh.. jgn lecture pasal stop isap rokok dah..(light satu rokok)

Jemay: ko start isap rokok bila?
Amar: 1st rokok aku isap aku ingat lagi masa tu aku umur antara 9-11 tahun..jiran kitorang masa rumah lama kat ampang hilir Indon, siap ade meja snooker lagi..pastu bila balik dari indon je diorang bwk byk carton gudang garam bagi bapak aku, aku cilok satu dlm stor pastu amik sepam..terbatuk2 gak aa..oh pastu lagi satu member nakal aku dtg rumah pastu isap rokok kat luar, fawaz nama dia.. aku try sepam je.. tu kira start isap rokok ke?
Jemay: ntah lah.. kalau ikut piawai yg cikgu aku pesan, mmg tak layak cerita tu..
Amar: hmmmm ye ke.. kalau camtu aku rasa aku start isap rokok masa kat MMU dulu..time tu aku ade masalah tido..pastu aku singgah bilik member aku, Kimi nama dia.. somehow, isap rokok boleh buat aku ngantuk time bila aku takleh tido je, aku gi bilik kimi pow sebatang..

Jemay: bila ko btul2 isap rokok?
Amar: aku start bergiat aktif masa kat Brisbane aa..dgn cuaca sejuk nye, layan sepam dua je mula2, pastu sangkut..sampai skang pun aku taktau kenapa aku start..mungkin pengaruh rakan2 sebaya la aku camni.. maklumlaaa nak blend in with the crowd..

Jemay: oh tu la.. aku pun ade gak dgr org2 ckp isap rokok time winter mmg layannnn... ape rokok kegemaran ko?
Amar: masa aku baru2 start, aku isap marlboro merah.. pastu lama2 tak rasa ape, aku pindah gi dunhill merah plak..lekat sampai skang.. masa zaman student kat oz dulu, duit sengkek skit, so isap la rokok murah..13 dollar boleh dapat 40 batang tak silap aku..aku penah isap rokok Peter Jackson merah..pergh, ni bapak keras nye..sape isap rokok ni selalu sgt mmg nak mintak sakit tekak..pastu tak tahan, aku pindah ke Longbeach melayu panggil Pantai Panjang.. oh yg paling gawat masa aku isap rokok gulung sendiri nye..nak pikirkan balik, gila daif gak zaman2 tu.. tobacco dia guna jenama Dums biru.. lama gak nak master skill menggulung rokok nih.. yg sial nye bila filter ade tobacco ade, tapi kertas rollies plak takde..time tu aa jadi cam mat ganja selongkar barang kemas mak sendiri.. meronta2 gak aah cari rollies.. last2 potong sendiri je kertas..lain gak rasa..hahaha.. kalau dah sampai buntu takde rokok, pow rokok org lah..dlm byk2 rokok, rokok pow ni lah yg paling sedap..pasal free!

Jemay: gile ahh..macam tukar2 awek..rokok keretek tak minat?
Amar: kadang2 je.. dulu aku slalu pow member indon aku, Pinto, rokok Dji Sam Soe..peghh ini rokok mau 15 minit nak habiskan..macam isap cigar lah.. pastu dulu kadang2 ade gak aku pow driver mak aku nye gudang Garam..skali skale nak merasa..

Jemay: brape batang rokok ko isap sehari..
Amar: tgk keadaan gak, kadang2 1 kotak aku boleh tahan 3 hari.. paling awal habis pun 2 hari aa..average 10 sehari..peghhhh gile gak sbenarnye 10 kali sehari..!
Jemay pegh nate beghuk! tiap minggu RM30 habis..sebulan dah RM120! setahun?? huuh..
Amar: tu ah..aku rasa kalau kerajaan naik sampai RM10 sekotak, mmg aku stop aa kot.. harapan..

Jemay: tak penah pikir nak stop ke?
Amar: hmmmmph..penah laaa.. paling lama pun sebulan dua je..pastu stress, isap balik.. skang ni pun, everytime isap aku pikir nak stop tapi esok lusa beli lagi sekotak..tapi mmg betul, rokok ni meredakan stress gak.. time2 stress la paling best isap rokok.. sap kok luuuuuuu.. bak kata rempit..

Jemay: pandai ko selitkan bidalan rempit dalam ayat2 ko.. kagum melihat..ape pengalaman manis ko bersama rokok?
Amar: banyak tak terkata.. pendek kata nak telan pahit nak dibuang sayang.. haa gitu lah kata org melayu..
Jemay: amboiii.. seloka pantun semua keluar..
Amar: ade one time tu, masa bapak aku offer aku the 1st time..hehehe.. masa tu dia dah budget dah aku mula merokok.. pastu dan dan je dia offer aku sebatang Dunhill Light.. dgn bangganye aku ckp, "takpe ayah, dah ade dah" huuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..macho... tu petanda nye aku dah dapat lesen merokok depan bapak aku..hahah..sampai skang adik2 aku pun tak dapat lesen sebesar itu..haha..adik2 aku sampai skang sorok2 lagiisap rokok..haha..

Jemay: macho lah abang ni..macam brad pitt!
Amar: yess (angguk sambil hembus asap dan buang puntung rokok)

Jemay: bile lah rasa2 ko ni nak stop?
Amar: tah la..aku pun taktau nak ckp..nak try byk kali dah..cuma temptation dia byk..lepak mamak takat minum ngan makan je rasa kosong plak.. aku pun dah menyampah sebenarnye ngan rokok..tapi benda tu laaa aku cari masa berak dan lepas makan.. hishhh..
Jemay: ko tanak try nikotin patch ke?
Amar: aku cam tak pecaya je benda2 ngarut2 ni.. tak penah aku tgk org pakai dan berjaya.. in fact, tak penah aku tgk org pakai pun!

Jemay: camne keadaan kesihatan ko skang? ade tanda2 rokok ni bahayakan kesihatan ko?
Amar: hmmm so far takde aa..tapi ade gak bila aku start batuk2, aku stop aa dua tiga hari..pastu dah ok, start balik..pasal stamina tu aku kurang pasti aa..aku kadang stamina lebih gak dari org yg tak isap.. so aku taktau aa nak ckp camne..tapi one day aku rasa aku akan stop gak.. kalau dah ade anak bini kot..hahah..

Jemay: molek benar lah tu.. ok lah..mintak diri dulu.. aku nak kacau blog lain pulak.. oh ye, kalau ko jumpa Mapen, ckp dia aku pun nak interview dia nanti.. last skali, ade ape2 pesanan?
Amar: kalau boleh, stop la isap rokok, aku betul2 rasa kalau member sekeliling aku stop, aku pun stop, takde aa rokok org nak pow2..betul tak kawan2 perokok?? haha..

Jemay pun berlalu pergi menggalas beg sampan tiup nye.. gaya dia berjalan berlenggang lenggok seperti Fatimah pergi membeli telur angsa.. ntah ape lagi gelagat Jemay selepas ini.. kita semua tak tahu.. sama2 kita fikirkan..
posted by gingerbeer @ 5:21:00 AM   3 comments
Friday, December 12, 2008
Me and u, u and i..

There're the funny Arabs on youtube performing stupid stunts, Koreans and Japanese ridiculous acts in game shows, and Scandinavians......erm well they just look funny to me.. the spaniards have their own thing to be proud of too! their very own Spanish la Liga commentators!!! owhhh.. im even laughing as i type... i was excited for the Barca v. Valencia game, with the former sitting at the top, the latter doing not so bad this season after horrific one last year.. so there i was, sitting on the couch alone at 3.30am.. sounds like any ordinary nights of late night spanish la liga..except that i had a pen a paper with me.. 'for what' u may ask? hahahaha ..having the privilege of being unemployed, i can aford to stay up late for these games, so i decided to jot down some of the things about the game (the commentating) just to share them with u fellow readers.. soo here it goes, the match highlights... oh btw the game was awesome, barca outclassed valencia..4-0 was the final score, not that it matters at all..just have a look at these....

before kick off - yes..the action began even before the game! something good bout spanish broadcast is that they are very keen capturing images of spectators on the stands.. while zooming from top, looking down at 3 gentlemen wearing suits (i suppose this is the VIP box) the commentator of course being handsomely paid, is obliged to say something about the scene.. one of the 3 dude was the valencia's director Fernando Gomes..and the commentator went (imagine spanish accent) "there is the Valencia Sporting Director Fernando Gomes, he's the man with the less hair".. hahahaha... OMG!! cant u just say "the man on the left" hahahah.. would we ever hear english commentators saying "the baldy over there is Sir Bobby Charlton" or "the red faced man is Sir Alex" ?? hahahha.. aku dah seronok dah time nih... talking about living up to expactations, what a way to kick off the broadcast!!!

13th minutes - the game was played at a high tempo even at this early stage but no goal as yet... and suddenly heard at the background was an announcement in spanish by the stadium announcer... i wondered what was the stadium announcer saying.. thank god there's the ever so dedicated commentator on the job! this is what he had to say, "the announcer just announced that there is a little boy lost in the stadium" hahahaha.. pause....... hahahahahahahah!! ok senor commentator, ppl at home would help to look for the poor kid.. we'll spot him in no time! oh wait, how are we gonna contact u should we find him?? hahahahhaha..

19th minutes - gooooooooooooooal!!! Henry lobbed the ball over the keeper after a brilliant long ball from yaya toure.. boring..

27th minutes - goool... *yawn* Henry again..

46th minutes - goooooooooooooal!! valencia looked awful coming in after halftime and conceding a goal just a minute into second the period.. valencia players thought that the game was stopped for offside, but they thought wrong.. Barca kept on playing and got the ball to Dani Alves on the right who finished with class.. amidst the confussion the commentator goes "and this goal is only for clever people" hahahahahahhaha.. he surely knows how to put it into words! nothing better than kicking a man in the face when he's down! hahahahaha.. (watch this part in the video highlights below)..

54th minutes - stadium announcer comes again, and the commentator insisted to get help from home audience "the little boy is still lost"...hahahahhaha.. poor kid, but this is hilarious!!! adeeeeeih!! hahahah.. hahahahha..aku kesian gak kat budak tu, tapi nak buat camne!!! hahaha..

79th minutes - Henry grabbed a third for himself to round up a great performance by the Catalans..

oeverall, a satisfying evening.. man of the match should only be between Henry and the commentator..oh ywah and lets hope that they've found that lil boy.. maybe the commentator would tell us the good news during the El Classico! listening to their voices just aren't enough for me, i wanna see these faces! hahah i hope they look as funny as they sound..haha.. til then, bye bye now..

posted by gingerbeer @ 5:20:00 PM   0 comments
Friday, December 05, 2008
Captain Cesc..
Assalamualaikum all,

I'm going to begin with the story on the newly appointed Arsenal captain.. i can only say one thing...I TOLD YOU SO!!!! before even ppl were talking about this, i remembered a few years back, i think it was 2005, i actually said to a friend that Cesc would be the captain when he turn 22.. well i was wrong about one thing there! he is 21!! not much can be said right now, but i have a good feeling that he's gonna be a successful one.. here are some points that i personally think that he is the right choice to lead this team..

- apart from theo, he's one of the better english-speakers in the first team, one thing that gallas obviously lacked.. and that voice didn't help either monsiuer gallas

- cool headed, well at least he had matured over the years unlike that cry-baby defender..the days of spitting at opponents and naughty-haircut-look are well behind him, lets hope..

- disciplined, on and off the field..we dont hear much bout him being a suspect of a rape case, or spotted smoking outside a night club..more importantly, his conduct on the field says nothing about his age..matured and composed.. without discarding the element of intelligence.. uuuuh... if only i could paint on canvas these descriptions..

- good image (errr..good looking..sorry willy), i've seen him doing interviews, charity works and stuffs.. he's liked by everyone, i dont think there's any part of him that ppl despise really.. and u rarely come accross a footballer where u can genuinely say he's a role model.. i think he's second to beckham in this sense..

- Loyal..i know,much had been said about him leaving and all, but c''s a lad who moved to london alone at the age of 15 ,from FC Barcelona (his childhood team of course), almost went straight away into the first team, earned tonnes of appearances, won some awards and now the CAPTAIN!! here's where i think he's a bit different from other captains like titi and pat.. cesc is a true gunner..

i wish him all the best and hope he would not leave us at least until he's 28 (is this another forecast?? we'll see)

apart from soccer, i'm seriously finding it hard to come up with something interesting to write at the moment.. bloody hell..if only im paid to do this, i would think harder of one, but at the moment, im just too lazy with little drive to think of i will keep on rambling about things that maybe more than half of you out there wouldn't be interested in..

PS: Mapen, ko jgn la buat2 blagak sebok dgn keje sampai takde time nak update..aku tampar karang..
posted by gingerbeer @ 7:51:00 PM   0 comments

Nama Kod: gingerbeer
Lokasi: brisbane, queensland, Australia
Pasal Kami: About us! These are a few things that we have in common: 1983 * Ampang * Brisbane * Arsenal * Gingerbeer(bundaberg) * Rock kapak * Soccer * Knee Injury * Staying up late (nous aimons le nuit) * Perisaikomuniti * Bukan Gay * Lelaki Tulin * Muslim * Baligh
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