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Saturday, June 28, 2008
Skill fancy yg paling basic

A match which is a pain to see because I was supporting them since the beginning.Knapa 2nd round tak swap ek???A lwn C and B lwn D.Kan best camtu.Anyway, their collision is inevitable and I had to choose so Spain is still my first choice.

Start of the match Spain was lively with smooth passing and kept pressing on which I think was normal but the weird thing I don't understand is why Rusia seems so lifeless for the match.Their flare from the previous games was amazing but somehow that nite they lost it.I was hoping for a back to back action but Russia failed to impress me.Tiada larian2 tangkas Arshavin, Tiada killer cross from Zherkov and Pavlyuchenko mcm pelakon tambahan je.Ade skit2 je action.I guess Spain was expecting them to be the stars and managed to close them down brilliantly.I was expecting Guus Hiddink to break Spain's onslaught but I guess even him was out of ideas.

End result 3-0 to Spain.Gol cross tak sengaja dr Iniesta dan dikacis oleh abg Xavi dan melima ragokkan Akinfeev.2nd gol,Sentuhan emas fabregas,death touch lobbing the ball to Guiza and it was a good finish by him.I tought it was offside.3rd goal,counter yg pantas,Fabregas lagi berlari dgn tak laju nye lalu tepi tengah dgn selamba kpd Silva and he netted the ball easily.With two assist, Fabregas was Shebby's man of the match and I'm still wondering why Aragones doesn't put him in first team.dgn formation 5 midfield semlm mmg kool gile ahhh.

Kesimpulannye, team basic tak bole lawan team fancy...haha (Ansar ko igt ak skill fancy yg paling basic ape??haha)

The beauty of talking too fast:

matam@macam - aku

bersimpuh sambil berlari??? - KJ

'because i know who i am when i'm with you,and that's the person i want to be and i know who you are when you're with me,and that the person who i want to be with'

posted by gingerbeer @ 4:57:00 AM   1 comments
Monday, June 23, 2008
Attack vs Defence
let's commemorate this date as a memorable one because Spain is qualified for the semi final. Yesssss.dan tatkala aku sedang menonton perlawanan tersebot, rakan ku KJ adelah penyokong setia Italia.So takleh celebrate lebey2 sebab kang kaki yg terbang kat aku...haha

anyway, it's a tight match and italy had a game plan yg aku rasa sux's what i personally call a NEGATIVE FOOTBALL. i think they had to resort to that because of the absence of Pirlo which is usually becomes a point of attack. tgk formation awal2 pon aku dah rasa pissed off gile. 4-3-1-2. mmg nak maen defense. so basically it was a boring game for me since Spain cannot do anything and Italy just waiting there and ready to counter attack. Although they're a few shots coming from both sides but all i think are half chances. even Torres couldn't do much and he looked so down and frustrated. yela,ko bayangkan jadi Torres depan sorang2 mengadap sampai 7 defense. mmg mengharapkan miracle laaa kalo dpt lepas.he was substituted close to full time since i think Aragones notice his dull face. Italy cam biasa mengharapkan cross2 dan tandukan Toni yg aku rasa mmg takde bakat nak score.Bosan.Sungguh bosan.Mmg badget penalti and aku rasa Italy mmd dah ready for penalty.That's why I'm afraid since I just know Spain's gonnal lose in penalty.

Tapi tah camna. luck's on the spanish side bile Casillas membuat 2 save yg macho membolehkan Spain menang penalti.4-3. Casillas was Shebby's man of the match and I really think he deserved it.

credit to the spanish team who firstly i don't think they have the character to win matches like that.aku badget cam derang akan ilang sabar dan akan jadi bodoh dan sengal.but they showed their calmness and composure throughout the match which I salute.

Tapi kenapa laaa satu2 team tuh nak maen permainan yg sebosan camtuh....kenapa?????aku rasa kalo aku jadi pemain italy mmg malas nak maen dah.

Anyway,next match against Rusia aku tak tau nak sokong mana.2 2 best.but it'll be much sweeter if Spain could win that one.

ehem2...Fabregas score for the final kick for the penalty shootout.Bapak berani sial....

emoshi @emosi+emotion - Aku

veshel@vessel - Pakcik Hasnal

kenapa Doraemon dgn Nobita takde di Msia ??? sebab kat msia ade Giant (highlight answer)

'love is there when you want it to be,you just have to see that it's wrapped in beauty,hidden away between the seconds of your life.if you don't stop for a minute,you might miss it'

posted by gingerbeer @ 7:45:00 AM   0 comments
Monday, June 16, 2008
Euro2008 vs Circadian Rhythm
This is how my life is during Euro,

11.00 pm - sampai KJ's house. Lepak2. Maen game or Layan Astro.

12.00 pm - First game Start.Layan bola sambil makan makanan rapu

12.45 am - Half time - Maen Winning Eleven

12.55 am - 2nd half start - Layan bola balik

1.50 am - 1st game abes. Layan Astro or sambung Maen Winning Eleven utk sape2 nak grudge match

2.45 am - 2nd game start. time ni dah weng2 skit

4.50 am - 2nd game abes. Masa utk pulang ke rumah

5.00 am - sampai umah. cube nak tdo tapi mmg tak bole.then layan movie or internet

7.30 am - bertolak ke opis

8.00 am - sampai opis. bdn letih tapi mata segar

8.00 am - 12.00 pm - pura2 bz depan komputer sambil mata ngantok

12.00pm - mata cerah balik sebab nak mkn lunch. makan lunch cepat2. balik opis,cari port baek punye pastu bantai tdo.

2.30 pm - biasa terbangun sebab org kelam kabut kat luar buat kerja. Jalan2 dlm opis.pegi library.jumpe2 org skit. lepak layan PC sampai habis keje

5.00 pm - melompat keluar dr opis dan meluru ke kereta

5.30 pm - sampai umah. masuk bilek. tutup lampu pastu tdo.

10.00 - 10.30 pm - biasa terjaga dah.mkn megi kalo lupe nak suro membe beli makan.

11.00 pm - sampai umah KJ balik.

That's my secret for success. I haven't missed a single game so far. Game bodo2 pon aku tgk.haha.

Anyway, salute to Mr Villa who scored an excellent last minute goal under tremendous amount of pressure..

And also to Cesc who inject more pace to the game with excellent quick passing, the way how Premier League team play.

'i always want to contradict you,i want you to understand me,do you always want to talk back to him whenever he says something,do you feel as if you want him to understand you'

posted by gingerbeer @ 7:45:00 AM   1 comments
Thursday, June 05, 2008
Selamat Hari Gawai
for some reason aku dah terkena penyakit blog cam ansa...tak dpt login...what the???

anyway,now i'm writing in a notepad for the time being sementara tgh ada mood nak tulis ape kan.nanti kang dah takde mood kang mmg tak tulis punye.never let the spirit die!!!woot2...

last week was one of the week where you want to hate somebody particularly my boss.kalo ikut plan,i must have been relaxing at home with my family tapi disebabkan kedengkian dan professionalism and ethics dari boss aku,i ended up stuck here in Bintulu.The story is I applied for training (for the free tickets!)and my boss completely rejected it.

dialog2 yg tak dpt ku lupa:

'You want to go to this training because you want to go back rite??'
'If that's why you want to go, then you're going for the wrong reason'

and the most unforgettable ones,

'this is just my THEORY(or was 'it i'm just guessing here'),i hope i'm WRONG,'

ok.aku mmg tersentak dan tetibe rasa panas.ayat yg last sekali tuh x payah la kan.buat aku lagi sakit hati je.mmg rasa kena tikam ngan tombak yg besar tembus kat jantung.maybe he's rite and he's got the reason right like,'the training is a soft skill not a technical ones' and 'i don't want to waste company's money' and 'you can wait until you're back in KL rite?'.Tapi ape ke dengki nye tak nak bagi.bukannye byk sgt pon.actually there's a lot more people who still got their training approved during the holiday(minggu lepas cuti gawai n agong's birthday n if you take like 2 annual leaves you'll get the whole weeks off!) and i wouldn't be begging for the tickets if the company pays me more!

sessi emo tamat.

At least because of this i took the chance to take a trip to Miri to meet my long lost fren yg tak tau ape dah FARIQ. He's still the same as I remembered him the last time I met him and we did had a great time rite??haha. thanks a lot for letting me and my frens crashing over your already cramped place.thank you also for the generousity letting me use all your stuff tanpa mengenal erti malu.hahaha.n thanks for the shirt!love it man!ko mmg penuntut David D yg cemerlang.mmg bole dpt honours ahhh.ko punye demonstrasi secara live tuh mmg btol2 buat gua respek sama lu (bole la muka jambu!chet...).Tapi aku mmg kecewa lu tak bwk awek nak kenal sama gua ngan gua punye member.sian aku ngan derang balik ngan kegersangan.hahaha.

Miri mmg best ahh.definitely ten times better than bintulu.maen boling,tgk wayang (cite indiana jones baru tuh sux gile,UFO????bapak sengal gile,membazir 10 ragok aku je),makan McD,maen wining eleven ngan Fariq(ko still takleh beat aku ah fariq,member2 ko pon semua aku libas..haha),dpt tego Shazliana(sape tu???).pendek kata terubat gak ahh hati aku tak dpt balik KL.In Miri even you're like lazing around, you know that there's always an option to do something which definitely not the feeling when you're i bintulu because if you're stump at home,you really don't have anything better to do.

Euro gonna start nex week where it will be one hell of an unproductive weeks ahead for all football team??mesti ah Spain sebab ade jambu aku kat ctu.haha
sebetul@ betul2 sebelah - Mazni Apam
'What's there now that wasn't there before,what was there before that isn't there now and what's been moved...'
p/s - I'm still pissed with this stupid word verification which is still so damn impossible to read
posted by gingerbeer @ 11:41:00 PM   0 comments

Nama Kod: gingerbeer
Lokasi: brisbane, queensland, Australia
Pasal Kami: About us! These are a few things that we have in common: 1983 * Ampang * Brisbane * Arsenal * Gingerbeer(bundaberg) * Rock kapak * Soccer * Knee Injury * Staying up late (nous aimons le nuit) * Perisaikomuniti * Bukan Gay * Lelaki Tulin * Muslim * Baligh
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